As longtime readers of Arizona Highways know, we once published user-submitted poetry in the magazine. We no longer do so but occasionally still receive submissions, and we're happy to share them on our blog. Enjoy.

Desert Dwell
By Dylan James Sweet

The desert dwellers know
These summer months are hell, only two more to go
Sixty days of sweltering heat
Sweaty bodies, short tempers, shorter shorts, and burned feet
Taking the trash out, turns into more than a chore
Its a daring adventure
For the sun radiates without care 
Beating down onto all, whether skin dark or fair
My home, this city of Phoenix
Where hope abounds, even in the meanest
Of circles and faces
Of all walks and all races
Everyone's different phases
Affected by the same
The bright star that blazes

Time rules all, all but the weather
The weather in fall, can be somewhat clever
Rivaled to spring, when its perfect not better
The heat of the summer, is relieved when its wetter
Monsoon storms roll, powerfully dense
Quenching the desert, ever so slightly relieving our stress
For a slice of happiness comes with ten degress less

Seasons so drastic
Our culture's fantastic 
My home is unique, this desert, this casket
This womb, this nest, this bountiful basket
Plump and ready
But this fruit will never be picked
Americas greatest desert city
So glad it exists