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Garter Snake
Garter snakes are semi-aquatic and are found near or swimming through bodies of water throughout Central and Southern Arizona, according to the Arizona-Sonora Desert…
Although damselflies are commonly mistaken for dragonflies, these insects are smaller and slimmer. Most damselfly species, including the arroyo bluet (Enallagma…
As the fastest land animals in North America, pronghorns (Antilocapra americana) can run at speeds of up to 60 mph. The zippy ungulates resemble deer, but with…
Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) are lithe, elegant creatures — so much so that naturalist Aldo Leopold wrote about “their nobility, won in the march of eons…
No, this isn’t a cat, even though it somewhat resembles one. Rather, this is a ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), which is actually more closely related to the raccoon…
Hollywood horror films have given tarantulas a bad reputation as bloodthirsty monsters on eight legs, but these fuzzy arachnids are really just humble hermits. There are…
Mount Graham Red Squirrel
When it comes to spotting Arizona mammals, Mount Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis) are among the rarest sights of all. Found only high atop…
Ares Metalmark
Members of the family Riodinidae, Ares metalmark butterflies (Emesis ares) are found across Southern Arizona, Southwestern New Mexico and Mexico and are…
Photographer Bruce D. Taubert captured this image of a bobcat (Lynx rufus) near Rye, south of Payson. Bobcats are common in the Sonoran Desert and elsewhere — their…